Monday, August 25, 2008

Help me out!

Okay...I am always lookin' to the future...and the future in Michigan is Fall...then Winter, some rather cold months here.  Usually this wouldn't worry me, but when I attempted to start my furnace after lighting my pilot light in the good ol' Surfin' Safari and nothing happened, I got a little worried.  I had flashes of my family being found in the dark winter months of Northern Michigan frozen to our beds in the Airstream...not a pretty picture.
Any takers...How can I ensure the safety of my family this fall and winter?  I have even called the Panel Pros over at the Vintage Airstream Podcast to seek their assistance on the matter.  
Is it a bad thermostat?  
     A faulty wire?  
            A demon possessed blower motor?  
                      My GOD, what could it be?  

1 comment:

Frank Yensan said...

I recommend you replace it. Any furnace that old is not reliable. Freezing would be far better than carbon monoxide poisoning.