Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm back...and boy did I forget something!!!
So I have been a little busy with my "real life" and have not gotten around to posting about my wonderful Airstream in a long time. In fact, I have been so busy, that I totally forgot about winterizing the Surfin' Safari!
So I spent the entire day figuring our how to winterize a trailer that was already frozen...needless to say, I think I may only have one broken pipe...but I will have to figure that out after the Spring Thaw.
The good news...
I called the VAP and asked about my furnace in episode 77 because I couldn't get it to start...and because of Rob's recommendation, I totally bypassed everything, and just kinda created a short circuit and lo-and-behold my furnace worked! (This was a good thing, since it was about 20 degrees F this morning and the trailer was kinda cold.) My thermostat works...I must just have a bad connection between the furnace and where my thermostat is at, a project I can work on in the Spring.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I've Been "Cut-off"!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Little Known Secret...
I think that anyone who buys an old classic trailer should pay their dues, and the story often goes like this: fall in love with the first one you find, put hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars into it, find out what a really good trailer is, sell the hopeless example you have invested everything in (usually at a considerable loss), and THEN go buy that exceptional example that you really want and rightfully deserve. It is a lesson usually hard learned...If only I had read that quote before I drove down that drive-way...Well as they say, you live and you learn...
It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man is Snoring...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Polish Begins...
So I promptly returned to Harbor Freight, and they gave me a brand new unit since I had purchased the extended service plan.
I decided that I didn't want to run back and forth to Harbor Freight...So I decided to fork out the big bucks and by a heavy duty polisher from Sears. So I got a Milwaukee and It cost me $200 and while it is a little heavy, it works very well...anyone wanna buy a brand new polisher from Harbor Freight?
After I got my new polisher, the process began to work much smoother. After my first weekend of polishing this is what I have gotten done so far. BTW, I also purchased one of those foldable ladders from Lowes and it helps tremendously when getting the higher stuff because it converts into scaffolding as you can see in the picture.
And of course, here is the "up-close" shot that you see in all polishing posts. You can see the above is the before and the below...well you guessed it, the after.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Over the weekend we went camping (probably just like a bunch of you!) and boy did we have a blast! We ended up at the River Farm Campground in Pentwater, MI.
It was a nice relaxing campground in which we didn't really have the big Labor Day crowds.
We found a great Mexican resturant (we love Mexican food), I found a bottle of my favorite wine at a local food mart (2005 Tintara Shariz), and
Zach caught a couple fish while I caught a rather annoying turtle!
The funny thing about our big fishing expedition was that while Zach and I labored for hours to catch our "big" fish, Kim walked down to our super-secret fishing spot, cast in a line and within 10 seconds caught the biggest fish of the weekend...and boy was it HUGE!
One of the coolest things about our Airstream is the fact that we get hang out in an area and really get a chance to visit as opposed to just "driving through" (As well as just hangin' out in the Airstream).
We really enjoy visiting a town and getting to know it, not just visit the local tourist attractions (however, we enjoy doing that also), but visiting the places off the beaten path. For example, on this trip we knew about the historic village of White Pine. And we enjoyed the Lumberjack breakfast and historic baseball game between the Ludington and Hartwick Pines...However, we didn't know about the great Mexican restaurant in Hart, Mi called La Fiesta...great food! I guess you have to have great food if you are going to last over 20 years.
Well since Summer is almost over and Zach starts school on Tuesday I guess we won't be taking anymore trips...NOT! In fact we have already scheduled a trip in a couple weeks...Oktoberfestin Frankenmuth, MI...great food, great beer and great fun! (All with Wiener dog races!)...I can't wait!
In the meantime, I will begin to polish the Surfin' Safari...stay tuned...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Help me out!
Okay...I am always lookin' to the future...and the future in Michigan is Fall...then Winter, some rather cold months here. Usually this wouldn't worry me, but when I attempted to start my furnace after lighting my pilot light in the good ol' Surfin' Safari and nothing happened, I got a little worried. I had flashes of my family being found in the dark winter months of Northern Michigan frozen to our beds in the Airstream...not a pretty picture.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm Baaaack!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
First Trip! (and a little bad news)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I did it...
I finally finished every past episode of The Vintage Airstream Podcast and I feel like a true Panel Pro without all the fancy tools or actual experience. I've always been told that having a little knowledge can be it's time to test that saying.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I LOVE Vintage Trailer Supply!!!
So over the weekend I had an issue with my rivets not being delivered to the correct address...if you recall I was pretty frustrated. On Monday I called Vintage Trailer Supply and talked with Kim and explained the situation. She informed me that she would hunt down the package to ensure I receive my items. I expressed my concern that it may take several days...and she agreed. So I asked if I can just cancel my order and get a refund and she told me that wouldn't be a problem. I asked if I would also be refunded my shipping costs, at this point she stopped and stated that she wasn't sure because this had never happened before, however she would check on it.
- Hi Chuck,
We just talked on the phone a little while ago. We were very sorry to hear that UPS lost your package. We have canceled your order and refunded the price of your order, (including your shipping charge), as you requested. We applied a credit of $18.11 to your Mastercard ending in the numbers ****. We will take care of the UPS claim for the lost package. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your business.
Kim Greeno
Vintage Trailer Supply
800-644-4620 x1
Sunday, June 22, 2008
So a little over one week ago I ordered some rivets from Vintage Trailer Supply to reattach my belly pan...I was ready. I took the advice of Tim from the Vintage Airstream Podcast and purchased an Air-Hydraulic Rivet Gun from Harbor Freight. He mentioned on one of the earlier episodes that he got one and it made installing his belly pan a lot easier...and if Tim suggests it...I'm gonna do it! (No, there are no subliminal messages in that podcast whatsoever).
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I Got Him...or Her...or IT!!!
Central Control - The Close-up...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Victory!!! (i hope...)
First some good news, as you can see from the picture to the left, I don't have any "dung dunes" as described by Wabbiteer in the Air Forums.
Secondly some better news, the smell is gone!!! Even my wife (who has a nose like a hound dog) can't smell it...yipee!!! So if the smell stays away, I don't think I am going to place a coat of Kiltz Stainblocker under the floor (nor will I have to remove the interior!!!).
Now, for the not so good news...I found a mouse nest (see the picture to the left) and ironically, it is under the furnace and I have had a mouse trap right next to it for about a week and do you think I have caught the mouse...heck no!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Yikes! Attack of the Killer Mouse!
The process begins...
- As suggested by 62overlander, remove all the insulation from the floor.
- As suggested by HowieE, check for floor rot using an ice pick around the C channel.
- As suggested by Overlander63 and Sariahjoy, I went out and purchased some enzyme that is designed to remove the urine smell. I purchased a product called "Urine Gone", it comes with a fancy black light stain detective...and since I own an Airstream, I like shiny things, and lights are I bought this product...(man, I am a marketers dream). I will spray it on...wait one week and spray on another application. I will update the blog to let everyone know if it works, or if the "As seen on TV" claim is junk...
- As suggested by Wabbiteer, I will paint on a coating of Kilz stain blocker to the underside of the flooring. I will also remove all ductwork in the flooring and clean that of my favorite quotes from his post, "my ductwork had dung dunes built up."
- As suggested by Insideout, remove my walls and then the insulation in the walls...I don't want to do this...I don't want to do this...I don't want to do this (I hope if I write that enough the smell will go away and I won't have to)
- As suggested by ME, pray and hope the smell goes away!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What's that smell???
So the trials and tribulations of owning a vintage Airstream begins. This morning when I walked in to the trailer I was almost knocked out with the terrible smell. After a little investigating I have found some leftover mouse "stuff" under the trailer in the belly pan.